Sunday, December 5, 2010

Last Year Winter Time

Last year, I was in Korea. I went back to Korea for 3 weeks.

It was really nice vacation for me because when I was in there, it was white Christmas.

When I went back to my home from my uncle's home with my family, I saw that it was heavy snow.

Actually, I am really crazy about snow, so at that time, I said my father to stop driving for a while.

When we got off on the car, snow was already piled up around 10cm on street.

Moreover, there were a lot of decoration, so we took pictures so much.

When I think about last winter time, I remember so clearly because it was first time to go to Korea since I lived in Canada.

I could not forget that time. Actually, I remember that time because I was with my family and my friends.

In this year, I want to go to Korea as well, but it does not feel like I really want to go to Korea.

I think that I will be with Kevin who shows every year in the movie(Home Alone).

It is so sad...........ToT

Christmas Vacation and the New Year

The Christmas day and New Year are coming soon.
I did not dicide what will I do on these days.
However, my friend who is so close with me said that she wants to go to LA on these days.
When I heard that, I thought it is not bad idea to have my vacation.
Maybe LA also has much decoration for Christmas.
Therefore, I am planing to go to LA with her.
We will go to Hollywood, Disneyland and Madame Tussaud.
She said that Madame Tussaud is like a waxing museum, but it is really realistic.
I already have been there last year,
but I thought that it will have different feeling from last year.
We will go for one week or more.
I hope that I have a good time in there.
Then, when I come back from there, I do not know what I will do.
I will be free. Call me~ Let's hang out together.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Going to end of class

Can you believe that we just have only two days?

When I see the calendar, I was surprised that it just two days left.

The time was fast in this semester. Actually, I cannot believe still now.

Moreover, after one month, it will be 2011.

Oh my god ! I am going to be 20. -0-

When I was high school student, I wanted to be 20.

However, now I am afraid to be 20.

I can understand that my friends who are older than me said that I envy you.

Even though we have just two days, let's do it our best!^o^

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jeoung Dong Jin

I want to introduce one place where called “Jeoung dong jin” in Korean. The Jeoung dong jin is located in east coast in Korea. When you want to go to there, we can go by train, car and bus. Especially, most people go there by train or car because of memory. I also went there with my friend. Actually, our plan was to see sunrise at there. However, when we arrive, it was rain. We took the train for almost 6 hours to see sunrise, but……. It was rain. We could not believe, but it was true. Therefore, we went to café which is located near Jeoung dong jin station. We remembered that the café showed in Korean TV show. The Korean TV program name was “we got married”. It is really popular in Korea because in the show there are two people who are singer get marry, but it is not true. My friend said that our situation is same as them. Yes it was same. They went Jeoung dong jin during rainy day as well. Also, they took a rest in the café too. However, there was a big big big unfortunate situation. It was that we could not see the sunrise! You know what? This situation was also same as them. Even though we went place that they have been before, we did not like these situations! Except these situations, you can see very beautiful scene. If I have chance to go there, I would like to go again, but I will go by car. I do not want to take train for 6 hours again.