Sunday, December 5, 2010

Last Year Winter Time

Last year, I was in Korea. I went back to Korea for 3 weeks.

It was really nice vacation for me because when I was in there, it was white Christmas.

When I went back to my home from my uncle's home with my family, I saw that it was heavy snow.

Actually, I am really crazy about snow, so at that time, I said my father to stop driving for a while.

When we got off on the car, snow was already piled up around 10cm on street.

Moreover, there were a lot of decoration, so we took pictures so much.

When I think about last winter time, I remember so clearly because it was first time to go to Korea since I lived in Canada.

I could not forget that time. Actually, I remember that time because I was with my family and my friends.

In this year, I want to go to Korea as well, but it does not feel like I really want to go to Korea.

I think that I will be with Kevin who shows every year in the movie(Home Alone).

It is so sad...........ToT


  1. I haven't seen snowing in my hometown for a long time because I studied for 2 years in another city in China..that makes me sad!!
    You are so lucky.loool
    BTW, I wanna see the winter korea. When I went to korea, it's in Summer..
    I think winter korea is so beatiful!!!

  2. kkkk..last year, i did not go back to China, but you went back to Korea.This year i will go back, but you will not..So, i hope you will have a good vacation, and a happy time too~~enjoy this Christmas..enjoy the crazy shopping day~~kkkk..
    Other thing, the picture is a lot of fish lights? it looks so nice~~and i can see the snow..beautiful~~

  3. Kebin was my hero until somebody told me he became drug addicted..
