Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Do Not Understand

Since I came to Canada, I do not understand few things.

First, I do not understand that we have to pay tip when we go to restaurant or hotel.
When we get a bill for food at restaurant, we have to think about tip.
How much we pay or how many percentages of tips we pay. That is why, every time when I go to restaurant, I do not calculate. I give bill my friend to calculate it. At that time, my friends said, "I lived Canada less than you. Why do you want me to calculate it? “I said, "It is not relation with living in Canada. Just I cannot get used to pay tip."

Second, I am so confused that when I see our test result. The reason is that I always used circle for correct answer in Korea, but it is opposite in Canada. That is why, when I got result with a lot of circle marks, I could not be happy.

Third, why do we talk each other in reading and writing class? In Korea, when we have reading or writing class, we have to be quiet because we have to focus on our writing or reading. However, in our class, we usually talk and discuss each other about our things. I think that our class style is active and can hear other people opinions.

Fourth, people do not care that other people see you. Many people do not care about their style and their looks. Also, they do not care whatever they do such as singing on a bus and dancing on a sky train, so when I went back to Korea, I had a hard time because some people looked at me.

Last, I do not understand that why there are a lot of things in people’s bag. When I saw people’s backpack, I feel painful in my shoulder. As you know, many people carry a lot of things in their backpack. I wonder what things they have inside.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Last week, when I finished our class, I saw snow^^
It was a little snow with rain.
However, suddenly, it changed to be a heavy snow.
I was shocked when I saw snow because it was first snow when I was in Canada.
Even last year, I did not see snow in winter time.
I took the first snowing day and I posted my mini homepage which I use with Korean friends.
My friends said, "Is it really first snow?", "Wow. So heavy snow."
They were really surprised.
Even though I really like snow, I do not like cold weather like recent day.
Recently, it was so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cold outside.
I hope that it will be a little bit warmer than now.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Effect Coming to Canada.

When I was in Korea, I thought a lot of things that what things are good for me if I go to Canada. Then, I found some reasons that I wanted to go to Canada.

The important reason is that I wanted to learn something in English. If I learn in English, I can learn more than one thing. Actually, I did not like English even though I have learned a lot of years. However, I thought that if I go to other country, it can challenge for me and also it will be good for my future. However, why did not I go to USA? The reason is that the USA is not safe and I could not survive when I thought to go to the USA.

The second reason is that I wanted to have an experience in other country. I have never been other country since I was high school student. When it was end of my high school life, my father recommended me to go to Canada. It was really good for me when I heard that. I thought about my father’s recommendation for a week. Then, I decided to go to Canada.

Sometimes I thought that why I came Canada instead of staying in Korea. However, I do not regret my decision about coming Canada because I will learn more English. Also, I will have more experience in Canada.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 11th, 2010

November 11th was Remembrance Day in Canada.
The Remembrance Day is Memorial Day for people who were in war.
Unfortunately, I did not watch the ceremony for the people. I was sorry for them.
I just........... took a rest in Remembrance Day.

That is why, I posted this picture on my blog...^^

Do you know? In this day, it was a special day in Korea. It was Ppaeppaero day.

Why do they call that November 11th is Ppaeppaero?
The reason is that pocky or ppaeppaero looks like 1.
It was becoming popular when I was elementary student in 4 or 5 grades.
Some people said that this day makes ppaeppaero companies to success.
Actually, it is right because when this day is coming soon, many people go to store to buy ppaeppaeros.
Moreover, there are a lot of days such as ppaeppaero day.
For example, Valentine day is also same as ppaeppaero day.
I think that I cannot survive in Korea if these days are much famous than now.

My friends gave me^^

Pictures from:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Different Life : Korea VS Canada

I came to Canada last year. When I came here, I felt a different living style between Korea and Canada. There are two things that I felt something different.

First, when I came to Canada and live in Canada, I felt lazy to do something. At first time in Canada, I used to study in institution which is located downtown. Moreover, the study was not hard for me, so I felt comfortable when I study at the school. However, when I was in Namyangju city, Korea, I felt really busy because I was high school student at that time. I had many things to study for preparing big exam to enter the university. That is why, when I finished school, I had to go to study more such as institution, tutor or library. Even though it was hard time, I had a really good time with my friends and I could not forget at time.

Second, when I came to Canada, I felt lonely. At first, I was alone to come to
Canada, so I did not know every people. Therefore, if I did not make friends, I could not survive because I felt lonely. Last year, I had a lot of friends who are in my classmate, but I could feel lonely. Then, I thought why I feel lonely. The reason is that I do not live my family and I always miss my family. The other reason is that I also miss my friends in Korea. If my family was in Canada with me, I did not feel lonely because someone can take care about me.

Even though I did not feel great in Canada, I want to make some good memories in Canada from now on.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Unique Woman

I watched a Korean TV show that it showed about unique people.
I was really shocked when I saw it.
It showed that one woman is crazy about chocolate.
She ate only chocolate for 6 years instead of rice.
On TV, there are three MCs to interview her. When they asked her about when she ate chocolate. She told that she ate every time and every day. Even, she drank melted chocolate.
Also, she ate “TOBLERONE” which is chocolate from Switzerland per 20 for one day.
When I heard that I thought she is really unique.
I could not believe when she ate rice with white chocolate.

The reason why she ate chocolate a lot is that she felt lonely when she was in abroad to study. Also, she got a lot of stress.

Picture from :

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Man From Nowhere

Do you know this movie which is called "The man from nowhere" ?

It is Korean movie which is called "Ajossi".

It is trailer movie and a little bit scare for you.

On september 30th to on october 15th,

there was Vancouver International Film Fastival.

At that time, this movie showed in VIFF.

Even though it was just four chances to watch this movie, I wanted to watch it.

That is why, I booked the ticket and I went to watch it with my friends.

Before when I watched it, I heard that it was really famous in Korea.

Also, I heard that the actor who in this movie is so handsome.

Actually, the actor is really famous in Korea,

but I did not know why people like him.

However, if you watch the movie, you can realize why people like him.

When I finished this movie,

I heard that many people give applause the movie in VIFF.

It was really good movie even if it was scared for me.

I am not going to tell you about this story.

Therefore, if you have a free time, watch this movie.

I recommend for you. After you watch it,

do not be crazy about Wonbin who is the actor^^

Picture from :

Different Types of Friends

Some people said that making friends is difficult work in your life, because sometimes people can break off their relationship. Also, you never know whether friends will continue in your life or not. There are three kinds of friends in your life. First, there are friends who usually care about you. This kind of friends called “Best friend”. For example, when you have a serious problem or something, the best friend will help for you. The reason is that the best friend usually be with you. That is why, you can tell the best friend about your secret thing and also you can trust him or her without doubt. Second, there are friends who sometimes call and hang out. These friends could be just for hanging out when you have a free time. You cannot tell this kind of friends about your personal things, but you can tell them about your daily life or something else. For example, when you meet some friends like this kind of friends, you can do something such as going somewhere, watching movie and going shopping. However, you cannot imagine that they cannot share your life. Last, there are friends who just connect with you. These friends are just in your phonebook and do not usually connect together. Some people just want to have more friends, so they add some friends in their phonebook. Then, they connect not too often. Like this, you can think about friends many different ways.

- With my best friend in her class