Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Last week, when I finished our class, I saw snow^^
It was a little snow with rain.
However, suddenly, it changed to be a heavy snow.
I was shocked when I saw snow because it was first snow when I was in Canada.
Even last year, I did not see snow in winter time.
I took the first snowing day and I posted my mini homepage which I use with Korean friends.
My friends said, "Is it really first snow?", "Wow. So heavy snow."
They were really surprised.
Even though I really like snow, I do not like cold weather like recent day.
Recently, it was so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cold outside.
I hope that it will be a little bit warmer than now.


  1. so good...!!!!
    tmr, snowing coming~~~~

  2. i was lucky. when the snow came, i checked mydouglas's website 3 hours, finally the school gave me a surprise~~~ the school cancelled. so i have chance to made a snow man...
