Monday, November 8, 2010

Different Life : Korea VS Canada

I came to Canada last year. When I came here, I felt a different living style between Korea and Canada. There are two things that I felt something different.

First, when I came to Canada and live in Canada, I felt lazy to do something. At first time in Canada, I used to study in institution which is located downtown. Moreover, the study was not hard for me, so I felt comfortable when I study at the school. However, when I was in Namyangju city, Korea, I felt really busy because I was high school student at that time. I had many things to study for preparing big exam to enter the university. That is why, when I finished school, I had to go to study more such as institution, tutor or library. Even though it was hard time, I had a really good time with my friends and I could not forget at time.

Second, when I came to Canada, I felt lonely. At first, I was alone to come to
Canada, so I did not know every people. Therefore, if I did not make friends, I could not survive because I felt lonely. Last year, I had a lot of friends who are in my classmate, but I could feel lonely. Then, I thought why I feel lonely. The reason is that I do not live my family and I always miss my family. The other reason is that I also miss my friends in Korea. If my family was in Canada with me, I did not feel lonely because someone can take care about me.

Even though I did not feel great in Canada, I want to make some good memories in Canada from now on.


  1. It seems like every bloggers in our class somehow feels homesick making these posts.

  2. It's time to grow up.
    I went to korea before !! and I love there.and I also can speak some korean words like hello, i miss you, i love you, sorry and so on.looool
    Most of korean are so polite. I wanna go there again someday. :p

  3. kkkk...Wow..Can you tell me, who is that cute girl??? I like her very much and i want to make friend with her, maybe she will not feel lonely anymore~~~kkkk.. When i saw your photo, i feel you look more and more beautiful..kkk..hope you can happy everyday

  4. kkkkk...
    Viva! it's good to see you using 'kkk phrase'
    kkkk,,,, this has to be up on the English dictionary.
